Conqueror (v2) :  Conqueror! Forum
Open discussion for the second version of Conqueror, also known as the HTML5 version, or "Teams". 
Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Lancelot ()
Date: March 13, 2013 10:23PM

Wanted to start this thread as bug reporting, so that the bugs in teams version will be fixed quicker and we will have a good production version.

I just found a bug. When somebody joins a game and picks a spot which started as AI, if host ends turn before the player, AI plays the moves instead of the player.

I'm not sure if this happens when game initially starts with a player, and then player changes (AI playing a turn in between) though.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: XuuL ()
Date: March 29, 2013 06:38PM

Hey Lance,

thx for posting. I have that on my list, but couldnt find the reason yet. The new version has some powerful logging mechanics which hopefully help me finding the bug.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Attila ()
Date: March 30, 2013 05:55AM

not really a bug, but ai's seem to have dumbed down in 0.9.7.

- they don't expand 2 steps from capital but don't even take all neighboring lands
- they don't advance properly. 10-20% will but the rest will either farm a developed cap up to 80-10k or still have a 30k cap turn 20. one of them had a 30k dev capital but an other 80k advanced land tho )))

"guess who's advancing"

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: XuuL ()
Date: April 06, 2013 04:25AM

Hey Attila,

just fyi.. that bug has been fixed.

AI routines are very complex and its hard to not make errors when improving them. Be aware of the next update. AIs gonna rock even more!

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: January 26, 2014 10:13AM

I feel that's an overstatement Xuul, considering how many times you've said that ^

Anyways, here's my short list of bugs I've seen:

- After exiting a FoW game, the Welcome message in Lobby disappears which didn't used to happen.

- If new players join a game and host/current players et, the turn is missed.

- Occasionally, you can't see others players (while the game is filling up) if they join after you, leaving you to assume there's empty spots.

- If a person dc's in the middle of a game, turns may lag / be delayed as the game tries to reconnect that person.

- Since there's an (LONG) loading interval when you click "Join Game" from Lobby, if you click it more than once (or many times), the map of the game will superimpose over the Lobby chat and the only way to "debug" that is to press "Show Map" -> "Show Lobby".

- You can't whisper anyone with a dot (.) or a dash (-) in their name. Underscores are fine, e.g. "tinky_winky"

- If a person dc's but manages to reconnect, his/her timer may glitch and/or have a different turn than normal. Attempting to log in & out, closing the browser, etc to refresh will not close the connection to the game and the account is "stuck", leaving the player unable to re-join the game or use a particular name since it is still "logged in".
(Example: I dc and reconnect. Refreshes tab and tries to login with "Fenix" but can't because it's still logged in)

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: XuuL ()
Date: January 26, 2014 11:46AM

Thanks for that comprehensive report Fenix. That will help me a lot for further bug fixing. Some i know and others are new to me.

Fenix Wrote:
> I feel that's an overstatement Xuul, considering
> how many times you've said that ^
> Anyways, here's my short list of bugs I've seen:
> - After exiting a FoW game, the Welcome message in
> Lobby disappears which didn't used to happen.
> - If new players join a game and host/current
> players et, the turn is missed.

Yes, it sucks. Have it on the list for long time now.

> - Occasionally, you can't see others players
> (while the game is filling up) if they join after
> you, leaving you to assume there's empty spots.

I think thats when ppl join at the same time. Need to make that more robust.

> - If a person dc's in the middle of a game, turns
> may lag / be delayed as the game tries to
> reconnect that person.

Thats a feature, not a bug. We want to give the disced player some time so he can make his turn.

> - Since there's an (LONG) loading interval when
> you click "Join Game" from Lobby, if you click it
> more than once (or many times), the map of the
> game will superimpose over the Lobby chat and the
> only way to "debug" that is to press "Show Map" ->
> "Show Lobby".

Yes, already seen that too. Didnt know it depends on multiple clicks. But makes sense. Thank you!

> - You can't whisper anyone with a dot (.) or a
> dash (-) in their name. Underscores are fine,
> e.g. "tinky_winky"

It is fixed for "-" in 1.1.4. Are there players with a "." ??? Okay.. need to fix that too.

> - If a person dc's but manages to reconnect,
> his/her timer may glitch and/or have a different
> turn than normal. Attempting to log in & out,
> closing the browser, etc to refresh will not close
> the connection to the game and the account is
> "stuck", leaving the player unable to re-join the
> game or use a particular name since it is still
> "logged in".
> (Example: I dc and reconnect. Refreshes tab and
> tries to login with "Fenix" but can't because it's
> still logged in)

Hm... need to investigate. Typically you should be able to do that. Also, i improved rejoining a game at 1.1.3.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: January 26, 2014 11:56AM

Well, I haven't seen the issue occur after the update yet but if I do, I'll update you on it. If there's no need to log out after dc'ing to refresh then technically that bug shouldn't arise but it's akin to covering the hole instead of filling (fixing) it up ;) ... I'm bad at metaphors lol.

Also, yes there's only one player who uses a dot (.) atm, "dixie.sailor". Although it's probably insignificant, thought I'd just let you know since it should be a minor bug I assume?

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Attila ()
Date: January 28, 2014 03:31PM

2 inconveniences related to connection handling:

after a d/c the NEXT turn will usually be skipped too, in either of the 2 following ways:

1) the player will end turn but his orders will be ignored anyway.
2) the turn will start executing WITHOUT ending turn, often with a minute or more left on the timer. of course this happens typically in a 1-player game with ai's.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Squeegie ()
Date: February 16, 2014 08:10PM

Some times when a cap is taken in Autumn (and possibly Winter, though I don't recall a specific winter example), the player keeps alot of his armies.

I'd like to think that there is no way to have gold - besides taking unowned lands - so most/all troops that can't be supported by the province they are in should die.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: February 16, 2014 10:09PM

There's been issues with the server crashing or disconnecting players many times recently and one just happened again on Monday, 17 February 4:06:54 a.m (GMT + 1:00). I thought this was already fixed XuuL? []

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: XuuL ()
Date: March 02, 2014 08:50AM

I know Fenix. There is sth wrong but i dont know what and i dont have any time right now. Was ist sth like a server reboot on 17th?

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: March 07, 2014 08:07PM

Naw it was more like skipping a turn (of advancement) here and there, extreme timer lag, and the "reconnect..." notification kept popping up till everyone had to restart client to get back in the game yet it was still glitchy, i.e. orders not going through, turns was mixed up.

tl;dr It was more chaotic than a server reboot.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: March 22, 2014 08:50PM

New bug found:

Played a 2v2 with Rex as UK and he was about to conquer Livonia to end the game (i.e. last of opponent's lands), however, a "endgame" bug popped up where Livonia didn't change where it was included in the battle sequence but the outcome wasn't shown. So it looked a little like this:

[] ~(Didn't want to show it in post cuz it's too big)

Specifics: Rex attacked Livonia with 14 from Muscovy last in his turn order sequence. The troop movement arrow was shown but afterwards the game simply ended without Livonia being conquered.

P.S. I also notice *multiplayer* games tend to just end when it's gone for too long (above 100+ turns) even tho there is still a player inside; although the ones I observed had the sole player fully conquered by AI's, would that end the game?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2014 08:52PM by Fenix.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: ability ()
Date: July 22, 2014 08:04AM


im experiencing some performance troubles while playing.

1. the game appears to be very slow, sometimes i need 2-3 clicks so the game accepts my orders.

2. while playing the sound and the pictures are displaced

i thought this could be, because im using google chrome, had some trouble earlier using it, but i have the same problems playing with firefox. it cant also be my internet connection, cause everything else works well. i dont know if others got the same problems while playing, but i would be pleased if u could try to fix this bug.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: Squeegie ()
Date: December 10, 2014 09:29PM

Minor issue, but I feel like a cheat using it... When I click on the star button (resize map) 2 times, it shows red rectangles in some enemy provinces. The size of those rectangles clue me in to whether the enemy has 1-9 troops there or 10-99 troops.

Nothing major, but I'm sure now that it's in the forum everyone will be using my cheat code.

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Re: Bug Reporting for the Teams Beta Version
Posted by: ability ()
Date: March 27, 2018 02:42PM


since nobody seems to have told you, the ais arent working properly anymore. They arent moving nor developping and i think it is also affecting the multiplayer mode. we tried to play a game yesterday and the timer went down to zero, but it didnt show the movements of th players.

Maybe you need to reset the server?

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