Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: Comrade-D ()
Date: February 15, 2014 02:55PM

An idea for enabling a player to know how many turns are remaining for a land to produce something simply by a glance at the country on the map: Matchsticks.

To go along with a player being able to know a land's current production, type of culture, number of farm-land, and resource advantages (or lack thereof), why not indicate how many turns are remaining for that country to produce in entire what it may be working on.

For example:

(Production Icon - Farm)


This would indicate four more turns to produce one more farm. Another example:

(Production Icon - Culture)


In this instance, it would take eight turns to complete the leveling up of culture.

On each turn thereafter, there would be one less matchstick. E.g.

(Production Icon - Farm 50k)

(Production Icon - Farm 50k)

(Production Icon - Farm 50k)

(Production Icon - Farm 50k)

(Production Icon - Farm 60k)

.....whereas now in this new spring this land has 10k greater.

Thanks for the game!

"Long live Conqueror!"

~ Comrade-D

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: February 15, 2014 04:12PM

A good suggestion for sure, though a note that puzzles me is: who would want to farm a land for 4 turns? O_o

I joke, it's a good idea for sure and would be a great help in reducing mistakes such as not switching production before ending your turn. As a reference, there's already a topic/thread made to post ideas and suggestions at: []

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: sixamplayer ()
Date: February 15, 2014 04:17PM

I can understand having this as an option for learning but in a team game I don't want that information available so easily to my enemies. That's the whole point of the Fog of War in my opinion, so you can't race to lands that serve you best while leaving the farming and developing ones alone. It's better if you just learn the length of time it takes instead of over simplifying the game.

Just 1 man's opinion.

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: February 15, 2014 05:27PM

@sixamplayer: He's referring to matchsticks being under the icons on player-owned lands that shows the troops numbers, population size and if a land has resources (+1 / +2).

It ofc wouldn't show the production for neutral lands but that could be *one of the many newb-helpful* options able to be toggled when creating games. It certainly helps improve gameplay such as knowing when to take lands or if Napoli is advancing next turn or not ... :P

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: sixamplayer ()
Date: February 15, 2014 11:28PM

@Fenix again why? That info is already there. If you look at a land you can see that it has a population you can see the number of armies you can tell if it's primitive/dev/adv it shows the ++ beside the population. What more can you ask for? The only thing I can think of is wanting to know what your enemy is producing and how close to completion they are which is an INSANE amount of information to make available to an enemy.


Makes no sense to me.

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: February 16, 2014 05:34AM

It actually does make sense as you normally have to click on a land to see how many it turns it takes to produce something. With matchsticks, you can see how long a land is taking to produce something with a quick glance at the screen and no need of cycling through all of them. You're referring only to the current info provided which is troop numbers, pop size, resource amount a.k.a +1 or +2 but his suggestion refers to TURN DURATION.

Obviously, this duration info should only be available to yourself and allies (if in Team Games) ...

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: sixamplayer ()
Date: February 16, 2014 11:59AM

Hmm if it could be made available to your allies that would be amazing. Then they would know what to protect and when. Also it would reveal anybody that's slacking and has no clue what they are building or why. Could be VERY revealing :)

I'd support that idea.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2014 11:59AM by sixamplayer.

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: Comrade-D ()
Date: February 18, 2014 10:13PM

Actually, Fenix, I was not referring to anything about +1/+2 or developed cultures (but rather, yes, as you later stated, in conjunction to these, why not also see was you put it 'turn duration').

Simply, remaining turns on a particular 'production'.

What I had in mind was not for anyone but the owner of the land to see, as opposed to that information being revealed to everybody.

Something like this would help me because I still have yet to study this game in depth in regards to how many turns something takes to produce when having to consider the factors such as how close it is to the capital; if it is rebellious or not; if it is plus one or not; if it has attractive ladies or not, etc...

~ Comrade-D

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2014 10:21PM by Comrade-D.

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: XuuL ()
Date: March 02, 2014 08:55AM

This feature is on the a top spot of my todo list since several months. I never found a good way for drawing such kind of progress bar though.

If someone can give me a useful screenshot of how it could look like => brilliant!
but plz not just scribbles.. the screenshot needs to have some quality.

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: Comrade-D ()
Date: April 08, 2014 09:19PM

Okay; I have a idea on how this could work:

Know how the territories highlight around the border a grayish-white hue when they are selected?

!!! Instead of this, make it so that hue is what happens when a country has completed a full cycle in whatever icon was selected (along with this, there wouldn't be any highlights around a country during its uncompleted cycle).

Then make it so there's a reddish hue highlight around a country to indicate the selected country.

Botta-bing, botta-bang, botta-boom! :)

~ Comrade-D

~ Comrade-D

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: April 09, 2014 01:49PM

Um, I'm afraid that wasn't too clear on me so just to confirm, you're proposing that the selected hue for a country be red to indicate the progress bar and to have no peripheral selection if something hasn't been completed? If so, it'll be too indistinct and players would be better off checking the land's production manually since you won't know how many turns left, just if something has completed or not.

I'd prefer something more visually distinct like a vertical bar or a circle (so I wouldn't have to confirm the turns):

~Maybe try to invent / use symbols to denote turns??

Something I mentioned on my thread but expanded upon here; add pop-ups to show details such as lands left neglected when attempting to press "End Turn". You can also use pop-ups to show how *MUCH* influence affects the turn duration for production (i.e. some recently "Supportive" lands still take 3 turns to farm), emphasis on details since it should be a optional pop-up based on settings :)

Re: Production Icon; Matchsticks, matchsticks, matchsticks
Posted by: ability ()
Date: July 26, 2014 07:45PM

i remember that on the old version, there were exponents above the troop counter. why not implement that again?

10² could mean 10 troops 2 turns to develop.

why doing it on a difficult way when u can have it that simpel?

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