Ipad-2, i.O.S. 8 (Apple/MacIntosh) supporting format available?
Posted by: Comrade-D ()
Date: December 06, 2014 10:31AM

Knowing that I can't use 'Firefox' or 'Chrome' to play "Conqueror" on an iPad (market competition - Apple won't allow these browsers on their products), and because Safari seems to be having trouble creating the actual gameplay map on my iPad (though everything else is visible), I am wondering if there is an alternative format that can support this wonderful, entertaining, and most excellent companion of a game as I go through life (though Atilla would tell you I'll never be a Master despite the fact I've been playing this game since 2007...and he's probably right, that asshole :)))))))))))))))

"Long live Conqueror"

Thanks for the game.

~ Comrade-D

Re: Ipad-2, i.O.S. 8 (Apple/MacIntosh) supporting format available?
Posted by: Comrade-D ()
Date: December 06, 2014 11:44AM

Realizing that Chrome is accepted on iPads, I installed the app...

It doesn't work...

Just as Safari will support the game but fail to reveal the map, so too is it the same with Chrome.

I'd attach a couple screenshots, but iPad photos are too big in data.

~ Comrade-D

Re: Ipad-2, i.O.S. 8 (Apple/MacIntosh) supporting format available?
Posted by: Fenix ()
Date: June 29, 2015 06:11PM

Not sure if you'll still read this Comrade, but I'd recommend something like Photon Flash Player. Unfortunately, it's a paid app for iOS, although it's free for Android. Also I think tinky_winky manages to play on his tablet so I'll ask him when/if I see him in-game.

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